Hero of the month, October 2022, it's the Fernite way

Heroes of the Month, March 24


This award recognises the achievements of individuals or teams within the business and how their behaviours are in line with the Fernite company values.

Sheffield Winner: Kaysha Halliday Vargas.

 Kaysha joined us in March 2024, and is already smashing her targets. As a member of the Customer Service team Kaysha was tasked with contacting some of our less active customers and thanks to her efforts, we’ve seen a steady increase in orders from these customers.

Craven Arms Winner: Roger Greenhill.

Roger is achieving an excellent standard of housekeeping, with his clear, logical, disciplined approach to data input / logging work. His regimental approach to the work in progress folder and identifying work has been commented on by several people. This makes subsequent tasks much easier to carry out and it also supports traceability.

Thank you everyone.

Stay tuned to find out who our April Heroes are.